88 days to go..
Another topic was passed across the table- 'A little faith'. Initi ally, I didn't find the thought process to go about it. I removed the impulsiveness of writing, sat back and went into retrospective mode. That's when, I realized that 'a little faith' is interspersed with almost everything I do.
I walked into the TNEA admission hall, 1 more seat left in the Production Engineering Department of PSG Tech. As the numbers trickled down slowly, the heartbeats went up so high and the one thing that probably carried me across the finish line was 'a little faith'.
I jump into a town bus (certain topics are contagious) with 'a little faith' that there will be an empty seat. I get myself a ticket and wait for the conductor to issue the change with 'a little faith'. Oh, and I have 'a little faith' the bus will be on time to the college and that I'll get the first hour's attendance.
When I have a train to catch, I'm eternally late for it. So I go to the station with 'a little faith' that either I'll be on time, or that the train grinds into a halt at a nearby station and is late. In the train, I have a little faith that a little rendezvous with 'a perfect match' will happen or that I will get the tastiest 'molagaa bajji ' in my life.
As a kid, I will peer deep into the bag that Amma brings home with 'a little faith' that something to eat will be hidden. If not looking into the bag anymore is a criterion for 'growing up', I will be forever a kid. I will munch into the Lays packet for a while and will inspect all corners of the empty packet with a little faith that there will be one more piece of chips left to devour.
I go into the exam hall hoping for an easy paper, wait 'impatiently' on the results day and calculate the GPA, all with a little faith. When a favourite company comes in for recruitment, and at the end of a mixed bag day, starts announcing the people whom they've picked, I have a little faith that I'll at least be the last person called out and recruited. I apply to universities, pay a ransom in the name of application fees, console myself telling me that everyone has to pay the ransom, and submit it with a little faith that the University will roll out an admit.
I might sound preachy, but a little faith inevitably keeps the scene rolling day in and day out. I might not find that empty seat in the bus, I probably will never walk into the 'perfect match' in the train, there might not be an extra Lays packet and the company may not offer me a job, but there is always a little faith. Aasai . Nappaasai . Peraasai .
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