Sunday, May 24, 2015

The Violin (Mis)experiment

86 days to go..

It was during the school days, while watching (yet another) ‘Sachin tribute’ video that I came across some beautiful music. It took me a week and some more days before I found that it was a composition by Ludovico Einaudi. All I could make out from the music was that there was violin involved and that the violin got me involved too. A few years of being high on Pink Floyd and Einaudi ensued. But the attraction for violin never ebbed.

It was during one of the depressed days of the first semester in college when I decided to stop being worried and become awesome. And then it dawned on me, the perfect springboard to that would be Violin. I wanted to be the next Einaudi or maybe at least the next Yuvan Shankar Raja with his copied Irish countryside music. Summoning all my sources (Google), I tried to find the best violin in town that wouldn’t earn a straight ‘no, I’m not buying that for you!’ from dad. After a bit of negotiations when I turned a salesman for violin in front of my dad, when my dad had to listen to all the stories of Ludovico Einaudi, Irish songs, Ilayaraja with a ‘when are you going to stop this lecture’ look, he had two options in hand. Either put up with the salesman-pitch-son or find peace. He chose the latter and decided told me one day, “I’ll get you a violin under certain strict conditions”. Curious to know what they were, I egged him to elaborate. “You have to get proper tutelage. So find a right teacher. Practice at home when you are alone, initially. It will be peaceful”. Unaware of the things he implied, like when I install new software, I agreed to all terms and conditions put forth.

The next issue was buying it on a perfect day. After dad proposed the day of ‘Saraswathi poojai’ as the day I get my hands on ‘OMG! Violin!’ I agreed and we reached a consensus. It is an auspicious day to start anything new, the day when Kindergarten schools would mint money for a ‘noble cause’ and new Yuvan Shankar Rajas will create their first piece of (distasteful) music.

I found a nice teacher although I was not always on the right notes. He welcomed me with a promise to allow me perform at the yearly musical show of the academy. Motivated enough, I used to carry the violin to the classes back and forth like a soldier carries his solemn gun. Two months went by, the horse-hair on the bow gathering dust regularly. The C sharps and F sharps would make me feel guilty before I go to sleep. One day, as the teacher, was trying to help me out with the majors and minors, I had the big picture in front of me- I would never major in the art. Semesters went by, Saraswathi poojais came when the Violin was kept in the forefront during Navarathris (causing huge embarrassment every time someone asked me to play it) but the ‘Violin-touch’ never came.

To make the Violin find some purpose in the concrete dwelling, I lent it to the family’s female Ravi Varma so she can draw it. I hoped she would paint a picture of me holding the violin and in high tones. But the violin had its revenge- she painted the violin with the background of a thick bush- indicating the dust it was gathering day in and day out.

I’ve discovered the truth. Dad had told me, “Practice at home when you are alone, initially. It will be peaceful”. He probably meant his peace. Maybe the teacher, in promising a chance during the music show, forgot to add “If you still keep coming” to his promise. Maybe, I should have symbolically bought a veena instead of violin to earn the goodwill of Goddess Saraswathi. Now, I will probably do a dubsmash with a violin audio and try removing the ‘’ watermark out of the video.

P.S. Violin for sale. The above statements would go a long way in indicating that it is a ‘new piece of equipment’.

Office times in Bangalore

86 days to go..

November 2014, when I was stringing through the Statement of Purpose to apply for universities, Siemens Industry Software Limited made a quick round of Internship recruitment in the college. I don’t know if it was the lack of choices or luck, I was one of them selected (which I got to know a month later. A month, at that point of time, felt like a lot of time). To get at least an internship, after interviewing with 7 companies and writing numerous first rounds felt good. 

Add to it a 3 month training program in the college to ‘groom’ me to be an intern-recruit in Siemens and weeks of straggling with the final year project and not knowing if I’ll be allowed to go ahead with the intern, there I was, in Bangalore in the first week of March. 

By that time, I had got a few admits from universities and was naturally inclined to tread the software-job without much seriousness (even otherwise, I was lazy). On the first day of the internship, after the boss walked me through the project assigned to me, I wondered how it would be to finish the project and walk away with a spring in the step. The amazement didn’t last long. I was given the task of configuring and introducing a new module into the software- a cakewalk for the techies in the office, a walk on the bed set on fire for me. When I tried to install the software, I bumped into a lot of problems with the computer throwing new cards stating ‘I simply won’t let you get along with me so quickly, dude’ every now and then. By the time I courted the software into submission and figured out that installing a piece of software with license was an ‘Achievement Unlocked’ moment, it was already a month and my team was behind the schedule like North Indian trains during winters. 

That’s when I learnt the power of connections and networking the ‘Ouch, it hurts’ way. Having stayed in office the entire day, I would still be lost for ideas. That’s when some programmers who simply didn’t find reason to go home would oblige to my SOS calls and stay around to help me make some headway. During the times when I was a few hours away from a solution for the project, the ‘Project presentations’ in the college would be rescheduled at the last moment. I would run around like a hare trying to get a train ticket back to Coimbatore and all the momentum would get washed away.

My team reached a dead end at the end of the first month, the half way stage. That’s when we decided to abandon the sinking ship and take a different route. Within 2 weeks, we had one module of the project up and running, thanks to the gracious amounts of help from our mentor and the innumerable trips to the pantry to refill the hot-chocolate cups. I spent a few nights in the office too, pushing myself home after sunrise and catching up on long lost sleep. The software-bull was well and truly tamed by then. 

The last two weeks were spent making mad runs between Coimbatore and Bangalore trying to douse the fire in the final year project and the Internship project. By the time the third review in the company- a conference call review with 16 people on the phone and my PC shared across cities- was over, the college project was over too. When the fire was doused and the haze surrounding it cleared, I had no doubt that I learned a lot in terms of work ethics, what I should do (from others) and what I shouldn’t do (from me) and having ‘that’ corporate air. And the people in charge of the pantry had learnt their lessons too- stacking up a lot more sachets of Hot Chocolate and Lemon Tea.

Friday, May 22, 2015

A little faith

88 days to go..

Another topic was passed across the table- 'A little faith'. Initially, I didn't find the thought process to go about it. I removed the impulsiveness of writing, sat back and went into retrospective mode. That's when, I realized that 'a little faith' is interspersed with almost everything I do.

I walked into the TNEA admission hall, 1 more seat left in the Production Engineering Department of PSG Tech. As the numbers trickled down slowly, the heartbeats went up so high and the one thing that probably carried me across the finish line was 'a little faith'.

I jump into a town bus (certain topics are contagious) with 'a little faith' that there will be an empty seat. I get myself a ticket and wait for the conductor to issue the change with 'a little faith'. Oh, and I have 'a little faith' the bus will be on time to the college and that I'll get the first hour's attendance.

When I have a train to catch, I'm eternally late for it. So I go to the station with 'a little faith' that either I'll be on time, or that the train grinds into a halt at a nearby station and is late. In the train, I have a little faith that a little rendezvous with 'a perfect match' will happen or that I will get the tastiest 'molagaa bajji' in my life.

As a kid, I will peer deep into the bag that Amma brings home with 'a little faith' that something to eat will be hidden. If not looking into the bag anymore is a criterion for 'growing up', I will be forever a kid. I will munch into the Lays packet for a while and will inspect all corners of the empty packet with a little faith that there will be one more piece of chips left to devour.

I go into the exam hall hoping for an easy paper, wait 'impatiently' on the results day and calculate the GPA, all with a little faith. When a favourite company comes in for recruitment, and at the end of a mixed bag day, starts announcing the people whom they've picked, I have a little faith that I'll at least be the last person called out and recruited. I apply to universities, pay a ransom in the name of application fees, console myself telling me that everyone has to pay the ransom, and submit it with a little faith that the University will roll out an admit.

I might sound preachy, but a little faith inevitably keeps the scene rolling day in and day out. I might not find that empty seat in the bus, I probably will never walk into the 'perfect match' in the train, there might not be an extra Lays packet and the company may not offer me a job, but there is always a little faith. Aasai. Nappaasai. Peraasai.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Multiple Personality Disorder

88 days to go..

What comes to your mind when you come across 'Multiple Personality Disorder'? As a boy who grew up consuming entertainment from the 'rise the price, lower the size' TVs of 2000's, it reminds me of Anniyan. Slightly literary folks might point to the Sidney Sheldon book 'Tell me your dreams' as one that comes to your mind.

Recently, over a conversation with my friend, I chanced upon this disorder again. Disorder, really? From the medical, psychological forefront, one would agree that it is indeed a disorder. But how does one view it personally? More specifically, what do I feel about it? 

Everyone has Multiple Personality Disorder, according to me. What differentiates one from another is just the way one carries himself with such traits. The way I speak with a bus conductor (old topics are contagious) is different from the way I speak to my friend. Is it me adapting to differences in circumstances, people and the like, or is it the multiple personalities in me responding when their turn comes? 

I feel, that it is the multiple personality disorder that differentiates us from the sheep (I don't disagree on the physical standpoint). The honourable Viva-Voce examiner asks a question and it elicits different responses from me and the guy sitting next to me. Sometimes, I have to stretch the neck and tell the patient examiner that I want to correct myself. Ain't there a small change of personality at that point of time? 

We are sheep ourselves, aren't we? When I want a bonafide certificate, I turn to the one who recently got it and ask him to get me a photo of the same. During UG, when  I wanted to complete the assignments, I asked the topper and carefully printed his words in my sheet, avoiding 'errors'. The high school teacher tells me, "If you don't have those three words in the paper, no marks for you!". So I carefully make sure I build a story around the three words as a response. Then, I become a sheep. When I became the class representative (reality check: Disasters happen), I became a donkey, carrying things around and alike. There are just too many cloaks that one dons over the course of an hour, a day, a week and so on. Does it deserve being called multiple personalities?

When an individual professes something and doesn't follow it- hypocrisy, to be exact, does he suffer from MPD? Did I suffer from it because I kept typing Multiple Personality Disorder and now, I wanted to type MPD? Can traitors, betrayers and turncoats be naturally diagnosed with MPD? Let me just extrapolate and ask if politicians come under the ambit of MPD? 

To me, Multiple Personality Disorder is a trait that everyone possesses and it is the game changer that defines an individual. Without it, we are just rudderless in the vast ocean (and for modern folks, in front of a TV without a TV remote).

"Remove everything from an imperfect life and it'd lose even its imperfection"Sputnik Sweetheart by Haruki Murakami.

I'd like to call it a case of Multiple Personality to keep everything in order. 

Sunday, May 17, 2015

The lazy bus rides.

91 days to go...

Bus rides have been a cornerstone during my college years. I owe my frequent jogs inside the college, in the morning, thanks to them. It all started a month before I joined PSG Tech when the college was the venue for my BITSAT exam. After the exam, my friend offered to drop me. He ended up dropping me in Sungam, a place with shady public transport to my house, in a parallel direction.

I went to college by bus on the first day and four years later, for one last ride back home too, ID card in tow. My friend, Harish, had an interesting start to his 'bus days'. He was prompt to get down at Peelamedu, but not his bag. It got stuck between the footboard-rajas and he ended up running along with the bus for a while before the stuck bag got undone. It would turn out to be the start of a truly boring day for him... and for many of us too.

With my fellow companion, Srinivasa Raghavan, we would discuss hopeless things in the world. Calling the seven girls of my class the seven wonders, recalling in detail all the assignments we didn't complete, discussing the potential hotshots of my college, we wouldn't miss much. The long queues to get the bus pass at the start of every month tested my patience. But it was all worth it.

On nice days, I would be one of the four people on the bus, the driver and the conductor inclusive. On odd days, when I took a particularly famous (or infamous) bus 16B, I'll be one of the innumerable people jostling for space, oxygen and a bit more. The conductor would coolly remark, "Nee kaal vecha edathula rendu per nikkalaam paa!" (Two people can squeeze into the place where your leg is), These conductors, with their belief that the center of the bus is a black hole and can suck in any number of people would go to the extent of making someone walking near the bus-stop get in.

Conductor: "Hey, where do you need to go?"
Random guy: "No, not this route!"
Conductor: "This route will take you everywhere!" and showel him in.

Every other guy will get disgusted with the crowd and breathe out... on the person standing next. And the next guy, and the next guy. I'll remind myself that not only yawning is contagious, this is too.

On a particularly irritating day, a random old guy with an obsession for giving lectures would remark, "Yenpaa college ku bag kondu pora" (Why do you carry a bag to the college?"). I would wonder what to reply, then think the better of it. The conductor would sometimes look down upon those with the bus-passes like we are about to steal his whistle and leather-dust bag. Some conductors would ask for the bus passes just to sign them, like the IPL captain signing a match ball for a clueless guy chosen by Vodafone.

On weird days, I have run to find a place in the only empty seat on the bus and realize that the guy sitting next to you is high. People, drunk, telling the world is going to end, the tomato prices are increasing, the quarter prices are increasing, the sub-standard side dishes he got at the TASMAC shop and the like. One guy chose to ask about who I am, where I come from, what I do, and remarked, "Enna maari irukaadhe pa! Nalla padi! Padichu munneru!" And I let it be.

I haven't always been the right guy in taking the buses. Once, I took a wrong bus, ended up going to the outskirts and realizing it only when a song playing on the phone ended and the conductor was calling out the name of an unknown place. On one occasion, I took a rather ungainly route to the college, passing through two lakes, numerous foreign birds and covering a distance thrice the distance to my college. Sometimes, school kids with bags double their sizes would get in and the conductor will have a field time pulling their leg.

During certain romantic days, I would encounter one of my crushes on-board the same bus. On that day, you will despise the conductor for disturbing you as he issues tickets. If the bus gets crowded during such times, the entire society will earn your wrath for making conspiring to block your point of view. Some days, I have encountered drop dead gorgeous people on-board the bus and wondered how the entire universe is conspiring to get us to choose the same route, same time and most importantly, the same bus. Some days, I'd see an old person, vacate my seat for him and feel like a boss. There have been days when I've dropped 500 rupee notes and some 'God sends' have stretched and retrieved the cash for me. Likewise, I've done the same too. And I've wondered sometimes if 'Good Samaritan-ship', so to call it, is also contagious. Certain things I've realized during those lazy trips:

1. Think twice before you iron your shirt, you will eventually have it crumble when you get down.
2. It is not a bad idea to wait for a slightly empty bus. Patience is a virtue learnt while waiting under the hot sun.
3. Never put a song on your phone speakers as you listen. The number of people who like the song will be more or less equal to 1. Worst case scenario, 0.
4. Interesting things happen on lazy days. And when you expect interesting things to happen, those are the days when you are on the footboard.
5. You will have to fall off the bus once or twice. Then you learn that you are an idiot and you adapt.
6. If you give 50 bucks and ask for change, you will be looked down upon. If you give a 100 rupee note or sometimes, a 500 rupee note, the conductor will shoot this look as if you are a terrorist.
7. If you ask for change in return, the conductor might sometimes behave as if you asked him to hand over his lunch. If you do the same and offer him a one rupee coin, you are exempted from the above rule.

Summer or winter, good or bad, jam-packed or empty, bus rides are rich with experiences and have provided me a plethora of perspectives. And buses are such a great leveller- divided by schools, colleges, bank-balances, companies, social classes, religions, but unified by the conductor's yell, "Change illaama edhukkuyaa bus la vareenga!"

Monday, May 11, 2015

Anti-Engineering stance, being a rebel and being noticed.

97 days to go.

Circa 2011. As I started my years in college, this was all over Facebook and a website on ventilator called Orkut. "Engineering has made me unfit for anything in the society. There was a barrage of jokes on Engineering Mathematics. Engineering Graphics was the coursework equivalent of Hitler. I had shut myself in a shell during the first few months, India was losing badly to England (4-0 whitewash, hands down except Rahul Dravid) and hence, my instincts to come up with a new Facebook status were tied and dumped into the bottom of the sea. I would realize a year later that this trend of foul-mouthing about Engineering, blaming it for making one's day frustrating was not a one off. This drudgery was trying to be a wannabe rebel and jump onto an instant springboard for toothless fame would not be a one off and would peak at specific instances of the year. The first few months after joining the first year and during the semester season.

And all this while a determined few, pencils and books in hand, sat down to grind through the basics and set a platform for the next few years. Some got themselves busy trying their hand at sports. Some sold their capabilities in the hope of getting noticed by various clubs and associations. Some walked slowly behind tutors because they had unfortunately raised their hands first and become the Class Representatives (no one volunteered to be the Class Representative ever since. Some precedents are meant to be dumped then and there). They went unnoticed then. 4 years later. They would rise like a phoenix, unperturbed and fly into the orangish, bright and elite horizon.

Where did the rebels go? To temples, to numerous interviews and to Facebook to provide occasional blockbusters about R S Aggarwal not helping them much and some more anti-Engineering chants. They were on par with their version of R S Aggarwal. There always are rebellions of the hopeless kind. Like this, for instance.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Some more days. Many more notes.

9th May, 2015.
99 days to move from Coimbatore to Wisconsin* (Terms and Conditions say hi), possibly. There might be things that I want to remember, things I want to remove the veil of. 99 days are good to do it, I feel. So let me make my feverish pitch. This blog will be serve as a home to my observations, thoughts, anecdotes and some more things under the slightly hot sun. Let me cut the slack and serve the cake.